Submissions Now Open
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Call for Abstracts
The Committee welcomes the submission of scientific papers and updates from seed orchards, breeding programs and conservation programs.

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation
All abstracts should be in English and the text should not exceed 300 words. All abstracts must be submitted on-line through the abstract submission system. Please copy and paste your abstract directly into the system.
Topics: The following topics will be considered for talks and posters:
- Collection and analysis of progeny test data
- Genetic conservation
- Seed orchard design and management
- Seed transfer and provenance test analyses
- Interdisciplinary research
- Forest health
- Seed research and propagation of seedlings
- Genomic tools
- Population and quantitative genomics
- Other forest genetics related topics
Title: Please capitalize the first letter of the title and of any names as appropriate.
List of Authors: Include the first and last names of all contributing authors. Indicate the presenting author by selecting “Presenting Author” on the Contributors page of the submission system.
Affiliations: Indicate the affiliation of each author using superscript numbers.
Body of the Abstract: Maximum of 300 words. Should contain a brief introduction, including a rationale for the work, a statement of the objectives, a brief explanation of the methods, the key results of the research, and a brief conclusion that puts the research findings into context. The abstract should be typed as a single paragraph into the corresponding field in the submission site and must contain complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling. It should not contain references.
- It is strongly recommended to have the abstract reviewed for English composition, grammar, and style before submission. The lead (presenting) author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- The Program Committee may refuse submissions if the theme or quality are unsuitable or the submission is incomplete.
- Final abstract acceptance by the Committee is subject to payment of registration fees by the Early Bird Deadline on May 26, 2023.
Oral and Poster Presentation Details
- All accepted oral and poster presentations are to be delivered by the presenting author in-person.
- Oral presentations will be allocated 15 minutes followed by 3 minutes of Q&A’s.
- Maximum size for printed posters is 120 cm x 120 cm or 4’ x 4’.
- All presenting authors are required to register and pay for the Conference before the early bird deadline of May 26, 2023.
- If travel approval is subject to abstract acceptance or if travel approval will be provided after May 18, contact the Conference Secretariat by email.
Student Awards
The following prizes will be awarded for the best presentations by undergrad, masters or doctorate students:
- W.B. Critchfield Award – WFGA prize for best oral presentation
- Carl Heimburger Award – CFGA prize for best oral presentation
- W.B. Critchfield Award – WFGA prize for best poster presentation
- Gene Namkoong Award – CFGA prize for best poster presentation
See the WFGA and CFGA webpages for more information.
Please contact the Forest Genetics 2023 Conference Secretariat by email

Upcoming Dates
Submission Opens: December 8, 2022
Submission Closes: April 5, 2023 Extended to April 12, 2023 (midnight Pacific Time)
Author Registration Deadline: May 26, 2023
Early Bird Registration Deadline: May 26, 2023
Registration Closes: June 30, 2023
Ready to submit?
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